winter is in full swing. lookin' for your new favourite board?
winter is in full swing. lookin' for your new favourite board?
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konvoi powdersurf devices.

Yes, it took a while. But good things just take their time.


Really happy to announce that the Konvoi powsurf quiver becomes available this month.

On the 19th of february the boards will be ready for order. Pictures of each model will be uploaded in the upcoming days.

And as i get asked a lot which model to start with. The COLON 147 is the model for everything anytime and the ALADO 127 the perfect choice when you prefer to stick to the local backhills.

The other models have more specific virtues, so don't hesitate to get back to me, if you need further advice.

Each board comes with an according pad solution, a leash and a board sock.

Get yours and enjoy the bindingless bliss.

Thanks to Martin Grobar for all the great pictures of the boards including this one.

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